Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Arrest Made in Drug Ring Case Linked to Corey Haim's Illegal Painkiller Prescription

Corey Haim Ron Galella/Getty Images

While Corey Haim's mom was making funeral plans, authorities were busting a suspect who may have had something to do with the actor getting an illegal prescription for a powerful painkiller.

The California Attorney General's Office confirmed to E! News Tuesday that an arrest had been made in connection with its ongoing investigation into a prescription-drug ring linked to Haim's death last week.

Agents discovered records in a state database that indicated an illegal Rx for OxyContin had been written for the Lucas star on one of the fake prescription pads the suspected drug ring is accused of selling on the street after fraudulently purchasing them from legal vendors.

Four undisclosed prescriptions were found in Haim's home after his sudden death March 10. Authorities first reported it as a probable overdose, but the medical examiner is remaining mum on the official cause of death pending toxicology tests.

About 200 people packed a Toronto chapel today to pay their respects to Haim at a private funeral.

—Reporting by Whitney English and Lindsay Miller

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